Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Updated 10 months ago


My TE Seminar mini project

  • This is my third year mini project.
  • Flask (Python web development framework) used for webpages.
  • SVM (Support Vector Machines) used for training and classification purposes.
  • Self-generated data set of 50000 instances


  1. First make sure you have flask installed, if not enter the following command in terminal: pip install Flask.
  2. Next, you need scikit-learn, which is a data mining tool in Python. Install it by typing: pip install -U scikit-learn.
  3. After installing flask, extract the contents in a folder and then run the file.
  4. Server runs at localhost:5000, type this address in the browser and see the SVM in action.

GUI for this Project

Working of Password Strength Evaluator