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Passwd locker

An application for managing passwords and even generating new passwords for us.
Updated 2 years ago

#An application for managing passwords and even generating new passwords for us.

General information

This Python application will help you to manage your passwords and even generate new passwords. On Average, a person has at least 7 different accounts he or she has signed into, be it email, social media, entertainment or job portal accounts. It becomes really hard to remember all those passwords and even create new ones. As a user, you will be able to create a password locker account with your details, a login username and password, store already existing account credentials in the application, store already existing account username and password in the application, create new account credentials, create a credentials account and the application generates a password for you to use when you sign up for an account, have the option of putting in a password that you want to use for the new credential account, view various account credentials and their passwords in the application and delete a credentials account that you no longer need in the application.

User Stories

These are the behaviours/features that the application implements for use by a user. As a user, you will be able to:

  • To create an account with your details - log in and password
  • Store your existing login credentials
  • Generate a password for a new credential/account
  • Copy your credentials to the clipboard


In your terminal/CLI:

Running the Application

  $ chmod +x ./ //To make the file executable in your machine
  $ ./

  You can also do python3 <filename>
  i.e python3 

Technologies Used


Test Driven Approach has been used in this application.


Test & Behaviour Driven Development(TDD && BDD)

Behaviour Input Output
Display codes for navigation In terminal: $./ Welcome, choose an option: ca-Create Account, 2-Log In, ex-Exit
Display prompt for creating an account Enter: hi Enter your first name, last name and password
Display prompt for login in Enter: 2 Enter your account name and password
Display codes for navigation Successful login Choose an option: cc - Create Credential, dc - Display Credentials, del - Delete Credential, ex - exit
Display prompt for creating a credential Enter: cc Enter the site name, your username and password
Display a list of credentials Enter: dc Prints a list of saved credentials
Display prompt for which credential to copy Enter: cp Enter the site name of the credential you wish to copy.
Exit application Enter: ex Exit the current navigation stage

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