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Access your shared webcam live streaming inside a container
Updated 2 months ago

OpenCV live streaming in Docker

  • Share your laptop webcam on the local network

    • Access your laptop webcam feed and a shared directory inside a Docker container

      • Run the vision application inside the container and display the live camera feed, modify the vision application and see the changes.

Start Here

git clone && cd opencv_webcam

Share your laptop webcam on local network

To change the default settings, edit the camera camera_feed & local_port variables

If your want to share the camera of a Windows machine and you have Task installed:


task share_camera


pip3 install -r camera_server/requirements.txt

python3 camera_server/

Starting the server, the IP address and port number will be displayed in the terminal

Access your laptop webcam feed inside a container

! Important: The container uses -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix to display the camera feed.

For -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix to work effectively, you should use a Unix-based host such as Linux, WSL or MacOS to run the container.

For Windows, you need to install an X server like VcXsrv

Update the camera_feed IP address in app file with the IP address and port number displayed in the previous step

camera_feed = "" # example:

Continue with:

task run_vision


# Build the image
docker build -t vision:latest vision
# Run the container
docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $(pwd)/vision/app/:/vision -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --network="host" vision:latest /bin/bash

Run the vision application

From inside the container:

# root@docker-desktop:/vision#

pip install -r requirements.txt
# root@docker-desktop:/vision#


A new window will open displaying the live camera feed


Stop the app and exit the container

# root@docker-desktop:/vision#


Tags stream