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Flask faas

Convert your serverless functions to flask applications.
Updated 2 months ago

Flask Function as a Service

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Migrating from serverless to a server application can be a headache at times. flask-faas provides you a layer that sits on top of your existing serverless application handlers and helps them convert to Flask routes. The prime goal is to be easy to use and easier to port. We currently support Google Cloud Function, AWS Lambda and OpenFaaS. We would have Azure Functions on the roadmap shortly.


pip install flask-faas

Just import and use, no extra hassle!

from flask_faas.gcp import google_cloud_function
from import aws_lambda
from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def my_cloud_function_handler(req):
    return jsonify(req.view_args)

def my_lambda_handler(event, context):
    return jsonify([event["pathParameters"]])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Supported FaaS handler

  • [x] Google Cloud Function
  • [x] AWS Lambda
  • [x] OpenFaaS


  • [ ] Azure Function

Flask Google Cloud Function AWS Lambda OpenFaaS