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Work gossip chat app

This is a simple chat app built using Python and Flask. Workers in a company can sign up and gossip among themselves .
Updated 1 year ago




Welcome to TinkerChatApp. Here, workers can feel free to randomly chat among themselves or with other platform users.


  1. New user registration
  2. Current user log in
  3. Ability to post comments
  4. Current user can find other users of the platform
  5. Current user can follow and unfollow other platform users
  6. Current user can see all the posts that have been posted in the platform
  7. Current user can see all the posts of people that they personally follow
  8. Current user can see ALL their posts
  9. If a post is in a foreign language, their is translation available (however, it is not automatic. Current user can choose to translate it or not.)
  10. Local time conversion in a format that is friendly to a user
  11. Current user can edit their profile
  12. Current user can search for a post using a keyword
  13. Popups on User profile Links
  14. Realtime private message updates


Deployed Application


To test the project out, you can clone this repo to your local machine:

$ git clone

Create and activate your virtual environment before running it:

$ workon work-gossip-app # I am using virtualenvwrapper

Install all used dependancies:

(work-gossip-app) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the application:

$ flask run