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SendIT API v2

A flask rest api for the SendIT courier service app
Updated 9 months ago


Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge Hackage-Deps

SendIT is a courier service app that helps users deliver parcels to different destinations.

Built with

  • Python 3.7.1
  • Flask 1.0.2
  • PostgreSQL 11.0


  • Users can create an account and log in.
  • Users can create a parcel delivery order.
  • Users can change the destination of a parcel delivery order.
  • Users can cancel a parcel delivery order.
  • Users can see the details of a delivery order.
  • Admin can change the status and present location of a parcel delivery order.

And also:

  • The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the status of their parcel.
  • The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the present location their parcel.
  • The app stores Location details and computes travel distance between the pickup location and the destination.


Want to contribute Great!

Create a virtual environment for the project.

virtualenv "name of the virtual environment"

Then Activate the venv using:

source "name of the virtual environment/bin/activate

Navigate to the application directory:

git clone
cd SendITApi-v2
git checkout develop

Create a virtual environment to install the application in. You could install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. Within your virtual environment, install the application package dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application with:


for tests run in terminal using:

py.test --cov

URL endpoints

URL Endpoint HTTP Methods Summary
api/v2/parcels POST Creates a new Parcel delivery order
api/v2/parcels/<int:id> GET Retrieves a specific parcel
api/v2/parcels/<int:id>/cancel PUT Cancels a specific parcel
api/v2/users GET Retrieve all users
api/v2/auth/signup POST Creates a new User
api/v2/auth/login POST Log in a user
api/v2/parcels/<parcelId>/destination PUT Change the desination of a specific order
api/v2/parcels/<int:parcelId>/status GET Retrieves parcel orders for a specific user
api/v2/parcels/<parcelId>/presentLocation PUT Change the present location of a specific parcel delivery order
api/v2/users/<int:id>/parcels GET Retrieves parcel orders for a specific use
api/v2/auth/logout POST Logs out a user

Example New User body

Example body

Example New Parcel Body

	"recipient_name": "Aron Mike",
            "parcel_description": "Here are my stuff",
            "quantity": 22,

Example Changedestination body

	"destination_address": "Mumbai"

Example Changestatus body

	"status": "Delivered"


Heroku Deployement


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Format addresses
  • Build a mobile app




Cryce Truly



A rest api for the SendIT application v2
