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Compose resources

Simple classes to help dealing with resources in a decoupled and reusable way.
Updated 8 months ago


Simple classes to help dealing with resources in a decoupled and reusable way.

Version Name

How can i use it?

Just add this to your settings.gradle:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then, in your build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.ygorluizfrazao:compose-resources:1.0.0-alpha01'

What it does?

It provides to classes aimed to help you use String and Image resources in a more decoupled way.

Icon Resource

Sometimes we need flexibility between using an ImageVector or a Drawable Resource in Android, one such case would be when you need different icons according to a navigation destination, such as:

sealed class Screen(
    val route: TextResource,
    val localizedAlias: TextResource,
    val icon: IconResource
) {
    object NotesList : Screen(

    object Bin :

In this class definition we have the flexibility to use both Icons image vectors or our custom drawable, provided the functions fromDrawableResource and fromImageVector.

If you need an Icon composable, as its needed inside an IconButton function, you can call ComposeIcon() function, or, if you just need a PainterResource, call asPainterResource().

The class is implemented as follows:

class IconResource private constructor(
    @DrawableRes private val resID: Int?,
    private val imageVector: ImageVector?,
    val contentDescription: String
) {

    fun asPainterResource(): Painter {
        resID?.let {
            return painterResource(id = resID)
        return rememberVectorPainter(image = imageVector!!)

    fun ComposeIcon(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
            modifier = modifier,
            painter = asPainterResource(),
            contentDescription = contentDescription

    companion object {
        fun fromDrawableResource(
            @DrawableRes resID: Int,
            contentDescription: String = ""
        ): IconResource {
            return IconResource(resID, null, contentDescription)

        fun fromImageVector(
            imageVector: ImageVector?,
            contentDescription: String = ""
        ): IconResource {
            return IconResource(null, imageVector, contentDescription)

Text Resource

Mostly, abstracts the string.xml values, you will not need a context inside you viewmodel to convert a string resource to a real text. Create the apropriate TextResource class and call asString()when you need.

And example of its usage would be:

_uiState.value = UIState.TitleError(
    titleInvalidError = TextResource.StringResource(

//Then, in your ui

Class implementation be like:

sealed class TextResource {

    data class RuntimeString(val value: String) : TextResource()

    class StringResource(
        @StringRes val resId: Int,
        vararg val args: Any
    ) : TextResource()

    fun asString(): String {
        return when (this) {
            is RuntimeString -> value
            is StringResource -> stringResource(id = resId, *args)

    fun asString(context: Context): String {
        return when (this) {
            is RuntimeString -> value
            is StringResource -> context.getString(resId, *args)

Hope it helps you.

Tags resources