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Android sdk container

Android SDK container image ready for CI deployment
Updated 1 year ago

Android SDK



Android SDK image with minimal required set of tools for CI deployment. Does not contain emulator images to minimize the footprint.

Preinstalled tools/components:

Tool/Component Version
OpenJDK 17
Android SDK Build-Tools 34.0.0, 33.0.2, 33.0.1
Android SDK Platform 33
Git 2.34.1
Curl 7.81.0
Jsonnet 0.17.0

Quick start

GitLab docker runner

Register docker runner

  1. Initiate registration

    docker run --rm -it -v /etc/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest register

    Update /etc/gitlab-runner directory or use volume if you prefer to store the configuration in another place.

  2. Follow the registration steps.

  3. On the executor configuration step set docker.

  4. Set default docker image. This step sets default docker image that will be used for runner executor when no image is specified in project CI configuration.

    1. Option A. Set docker image to docker:stable. This way you will be able to run any docker container with this runner. Specify the image in the .gitlab-ci.yml:

      image: venk0/android-sdk:latest
    2. Option B. Set docker image to venk0/android-sdk:latest. Using this option no changes in the .gitlab-ci.yml will be required.

Configure runner

Mount host directories with Gradle and SDK caches. Edit /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml, set volumes as following:

volumes = ["/cache", "/srv/gitlab-runner-data/mnt/.gradle:/root/.gradle", "/srv/gitlab-runner-data/mnt/.android:/root/.android", "/srv/gitlab-runner-data/mnt/android-sdk/licenses/:/opt/android/licenses"]

Update /srv/gitlab-runner-data/mnt directory or use volume if you prefer to store the data cache mounts in another place.

Launch runner

Run docker container:

docker run -v /etc/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner \ 
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ 
--name gitlab-runner --restart unless-stopped -d \ 

Or use with docker-compose:

version: '3'
    container_name: gitlab-runner
    image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
      - '/etc/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner'
      - '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
    restart: unless-stopped

Docker image publishing workflow

This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow that automates the publishing of a Docker image for the Android SDK on DockerHub. The workflow is triggered under specific conditions:

  1. Push Event to the dev Branch:

    • Whenever code changes are pushed to the dev branch, the workflow will be triggered.
    • The Docker image will be built and published with the tag edge, indicating an edge version of the image.
  2. Creation of a New Tag on Any Branch:

    • When a new tag is created on any branch, the workflow will be triggered.
    • The Docker image will be built and published with the following tags:
      • A tag named latest, indicating the latest stable version of the image.
      • A tag based on the name of the git tag that triggered the workflow.

It's important to note that the workflow excludes pull request events from triggering the build and push process, ensuring that Docker images are not published on pull requests. Additionally, the workflow is specific to the Dockerfile, meaning it only runs when changes are made to the Dockerfile in the repository.

Preparing Secrets

Before using the workflow in your repository, ensure to properly configure the required secrets in the GitHub repository settings. The following secrets need to be set:

  • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME: Your DockerHub username.
  • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN: An access token with the necessary permissions to publish images to your DockerHub repository.


The Dockerfiles and associated code and scripts are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Tags docker