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Clother is an Android client-server app for swapping unused clothes.
Updated 1 year ago


Clother is an Android client-server application for swapping unused clothes written in Python and Kotlin.



  • Authentication
    • Registration with email confirmation
    • Login
    • Password recovery
  • Paginated list of offers
  • Search by text query or category with the following filters: size, location
  • Creation of your own offer with up to 5 images, category, title, description, size and location
  • Realtime person-to-person chat with push notifications support
  • Offers and messages caching

Built with

Getting started

Follow the steps below to run the application.


  1. Install Docker
  2. Obtain Google Maps API key as described here
  3. Create Firebase Cloud Messaging project as described here and obtain API key


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to Backend directory
  2. Create instance folder and file inside this folder. This folder should be added to .gitignore because it will contain your sensitive data
  3. Open file and specify the following parameters: SECRET_KEY, JWT_SECRET_KEY, MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD, MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER, MAIL_USE_TLS, MAIL_USE_SSL, FCM_API_KEY (your Firebase Cloud Messaging API key)
  4. Open Docker Desktop and wait for the engine to start
  5. Navigate back to Backend directory, open command line here and execute docker-compose up -d --build. After containers start, visit http://localhost:5000/ to check that everything is fine. You should get 404 HTTP error
  6. Execute docker-compose exec api bash to open bash inside the Docker container. Then execute ./ to create database tables and populate them. If you don't want to populate some tables, just remove the corresponding commands from the, e.g., flask admin mock-messages
  7. Now open Client folder as Android Studio project
  8. Add the following line to the global file: GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY="%YOUR_API_KEY%".
  9. If you are going to run this app on your physical device, go to Client/app/src/main/java/com/t3ddyss/clother/utilities/Constants.kt and change BASE_URL_DEVICE to the IP address of your machine
  10. Register the app with Firebase as described here. You will need to replace Client/app/google-services.json with your google-services.json file
  11. At this point, you should be able to successfully build, run and use the application


  • Implement deep linking for push notifications
  • Support images in chat
  • Migrate to PostgreSQL and add advanced database triggers
  • Support different timezones


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Telegram: @t3ddys
Github repository:
