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A CollectionViewSource implementation that supports filtering, sorting and grouping for Xamarin Forms
Updated 9 months ago
Version Build status NuGet package
Prerelease Build Status NuGet
Stable Build Status NuGet


A CollectionViewSource implementation for Xamarin Forms that supports filtering, sorting and grouping.


Add the CollectionView.Forms NuGet package to your Xamarin Forms project:

Install-Package CollectionViewSource.Forms -IncludePrerelease

All existing classes and interfaces reside in a single namespace. To use them from C# code:

using Rotorsoft.Forms;

And to use them from XAML markup:


To use a CollectionViewSource object from XAML, create it as a static resource at the page level and remember to set the BindingContext explicitly (unlike WPF or UWP, Xamarin Forms doesn't propagate the parent's binding context to a child static resource).

        BindingContext="{Binding Path=BindingContext, Source={x:Reference _page}, Mode=OneWay}" 
        Source="{Binding Items, Mode=OneWay}" />

And then bind to its View property from either a ListView or CollectionView:

<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding View, Source={StaticResource DataSource}}">

All CollectionViewSource properties (except Filter, which can only be set using bindings or C# code) can be either set explicitly through XAML or through the use of bindings:

        <collections:List x:TypeArguments="x:String">
        <x:Array Type="{x:Type rotorsoft:SortDescription}">
            <rotorsoft:SortDescription Direction="Ascending" PropertyName="" />
    BindingContext="{Binding Path=BindingContext, Source={x:Reference _page}, Mode=OneWay}"
    Source="{Binding Items, Mode=OneWay}"
    Filter="{Binding Filter, Mode=OneWay}"
    SortDescriptions="{Binding SortDescriptions, Mode=OneWay}" />


Status Feature Notes
Grouping Work in progress
Navigation Out of scope - however, if you really need this feature, pull requests are welcome!