Best android open-source packages and libraries.


Here you can try out Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose with some other cutting-edge technologies.
Updated 1 year ago


The Wire is a Kotlin Multiplatform sample project, currently supporting Android and Windows.

Tools And Technolagies


You can try out new technologies on this playground.


android and desktop(windows) modules are platform specific.

common:main: shared business logic.

common:compose-ui: shared compose ui components.

Installing & Running

Download the Wire source code

Clone the source code by git clone and wait for the Gradle build to succeed

To run the windows application run the following command gradlew desktop:run


  • Android Studio Arctic Fox or higher
  • Android gradle plugin version 4.2.1
  • Gradle version 6.9


  • [ ] Establish the clean architecture and MVI pattern.
  • [ ] Applying SOLID principles to achieve a testable code
  • [ ] Having a better UI design.
  • [ ] Make use of another free API to fill the screen.


Contributions and feedback are always welcome, so please feel free to get started!