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RESTful API Tester

RESTful API Tester is an Android application that queries Google's Books API for book data
Updated 6 years ago


RESTful API Tester is a simple Android application that tests a RESTful API. In this case, the application queries Google's Books API searching for a given book's title and author's name. The app is based on the Android Developer Fundamentals Course found here, and has an updated layout using a ConstraintLayout with a modular classification of the classes involved. It also has a cleaned up code and a progress indicator.

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What you need to install the program:

Android Studio (Latest version preferred)


In order to run the program, download the source code into a source folder and install Android studio, if it is not already installed. Then, import this project from within Android Studio and press on the 'Run' button from the toolbar.

