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Tool app to save raw YUV frames from the Android camera preview for analysis or to collect data for automated tests
Updated 8 months ago


Save raw YUV frames from the Android camera preview for analysis or to collect data for automated tests.


Either import the project in Android Studio or use the Makefile.

Getting the .yuv files

All captures are saved in /sdcard/YuvShot. Use adb to get the folder:

$ adb pull /sdcard/YuvShot

Since YUV is raw image data and doesn't contain any size information, the width, height and rotation modifier of the camera frame are added to file name like this:


Converting a .yuv file to .jpg

Although the point of this tool is to work with raw YUV frames, you may simply convert the .yuv files with ffmpeg:

$ ffmpeg -s 720x480 -pix_fmt nv21 -i in.yuv out.jpg