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DevaBul is a Android mobile application that patients to exchange information in forums. The project has find location and places feature. Technologies: Java, MySQL, PHP, Volley, Google APIs(Maps, Places), Gradle. Additonal Information: The application also will provide map benefits. Users can find their location and addresses of health institutions (Hospitals, Pharmacies etc.) .
Updated 1 year ago


Deva-Bul is a Android mobile application that patients to exchange information in disease-dedicated forums. The application also will provide map benefits. Users can find their location and addresses of health institutions (Hospitals, Pharmacies etc.) .
Used Technologies:

Used Technologies

Java, Gradle, MySQL, PHP, Volley Library, Google APIs(Maps, Places)

Changes to do for the right work of the project

  1. In Php files and other necessary MySQL connections codes you have to write your webhost properties instead of x. [$conn = mysqli_connect("x", "x", "x", "x")] For example: $conn = mysqli_connect("HOSTNAME", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "DATABASE_NAME"

  2. In AndroidManifest file; ... android:name="" android:value="x"/> You have to write api code that take from instead of x ...

  3. In Activities; You have to write path of your php file instead of x. [String url ="x/LoginStatusChange.php"] For example: String url =""

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