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This repository contains an android chat app which detects emotions based on text, and suggests songs based on emotions. It is a peer to peer chat application made using Sockets, as a part of course project for Computer Communication and Networks-IT251.
Updated 5 years ago


This repository contains an android chat app which detects emotions based on text, and suggests songs based on emotions. It is a p2p chat application made using Sockets library, as a part of course project for Computer Communication and Networks at NITK.

Android to Android communication

  • Install the app on both the phones you wish to chat.
  • Connect to the same network(Same Subnet)
  • Enter the IP Address and port of one phone as shown on the other

PC to Phone communication

  • Ensure java is installed on your computer, you need to first run the project using javac to make the class file which is in bytecode and then run the code using java appname .
  • ./ is to run the java program, but ensure you have given permission. Permission can be given as follows:chmod 755
  • ./ to clean the build files consisting of class files.
  • Enter the IP Address and port as seen on the phone.

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Tags socket