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Vlc video view

VLC-powered VideoView for Android
Updated 2 years ago

vlc-video-view Release

A VLC-powered VideoView for Android


VlcVideoView is like the native VideoView, but relies on VLC for playback. As such, it supports a much wider range of protocols, formats, and codecs than the built-in player. The downside, however, is that it is huge: the demo app is just shy of 100mb from all the native libs, so you will probably need to use APK splits. Future work may explore removing some of the libs specific to older versions of the platform that we don't support.


VlcVideoView is distributed using JitPack:

   repositories {
        maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
         compile 'com.github.dhleong:vlc-video-view:<VERSION>'

Where <VERSION> is your prefered version (the latest is shown in the badge up top). VlcVideoView can be included in any layout as usual. See the demo app for a usage example.

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