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A simple music player that reads the music stored on your device and plays it with basic functionalities like pause, play, next, previous, rewind and an audio visualizer.
Updated 2 years ago

Playstore Link:

A simple music player that reads the music stored on your device to play it. It has basic functionalities like:

  1. Play song
  2. Pause song
  3. AUTOPLAY next song after the song ends.
  4. Play next song on click.
  5. Play previous song
  6. Fast forward song.
  7. Rewind song.
  8. Added animation to the song ImageView when the song is paused or song is changed.
  9. An AUDIOVISUALIZER that reacts to the song and behaves accordingly.
  10. A fully functioning SEEKBAR that tells the PROGRESS of the song or can be used to SKIP the song to a particular TIMESTAMP.
  11. TextView that tells the total duration of the song and how long the song has been placed.
  12. A beautiful U.I.


Kumar Satwik

Kumar Satwik
Kumar Satwik




Thanks to Tanishq Sam and Gaurav Khater for helping me out with the theme.

Tanishq Sam
Tanishq Sam

Gaurav Khater
Gaurav Khater
