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Cometchat chat sample app android java

Open-source Voice & Video Calling and Text Chat App for Java (Android)
Updated 7 months ago

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Android Java Sample App

CometChat Kitchen Sink Sample App (built using CometChat UI Kits) is a fully functional real-time messaging app capable of private (one-on-one), group messaging, voice & video calling.
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Table of Contents

About The Project

CometChat Kitchen Sink Sample App (built using CometChat UI Kit) is a fully functional real-time messaging app capable of private (one-on-one), group messaging, voice & video calling.

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Getting Started

Simply clone or fork this repo and run it using the instructions below to see all features in action. Or use it as a starter template/boilerplate and make edits to suit your needs.



  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Change to the working directory

    cd cometchat-chat-sample-app-android-java
  3. Change the Branch

    git checkout v4
  4. Replace APP_ID, REGION, and AUTH_KEY with your CometChat App ID, Region, and Auth Key in file.

    Replacing constants in


This app contains all features offered by CometChat through its UI Kit. Read more about the Android UI Kit here.

Run project locally

  • Open the project in Android Studio.

    • Build and run the Sample App.
    • Select demo users or enter the UID at the time of login once the app is launched.

To learn about Android UI Kit Integration, please click here.


To learn more about our UI kits, visit our documentation.

If you are still facing issues while running this project or integrating with our UI Kits, please connect with our real-time support via the CometChat Dashboard.


Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. Sincere thanks to all our contributors!

You are requested to follow the contribution guidelines specified in while contributing to the project 😄.


Please connect with our real-time support via the CometChat Dashboard.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

About Authors

cometchat-chat-sample-app-android-java is created & maintained by CometChat.

The names and logos for CometChat are trademarks of CometChat, Inc.

We love open-source software! See our other projects or sign up with us to start using our product.