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Android book_store

A native android online bookstore app
Updated 3 years ago

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Status License

Online bookstore app for Android

📝 Table of Contents

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🧐 About

KitHub is a mobile e-commerce app for selling books on Android platform. With its user-friendly interface, it aims at a quick shopping experience. On the administrative side of the application, you can access and edit many data such as books, users, orders with fast and simple operations. An application from users to users.

🎥 Demo / Working

🏁 Getting Started

To use this app with all specifications, create a MySQL database and run SQL queries which is in sql folder. This queries will create and update corresponding database tables. Also in php folder, connection.php file must be updated w.r.t database authentication. Finally, with changing HOST variable in project, application can speak to database.


Android 8.0+

🚀 Deployment

After cloning repository to Android Studio, use Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK and install APK to an Android smartphone.

⛏️ Built Using

🎉 Acknowledgements