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Delicacies is an android application which allow users to view food categories from a restful api
Updated 1 year ago


This is an android application that enable users to view a categories of delicious food from which they can choose to view their recipe as well as ingredients.

By Okello Thomas Olal, 06/03/2022

Table of contents


Movies have gain popularity of the years and as times goes by sorting movies has become a priority of many lovers of movies, enabling users to have list of their favorite movies is the preserve of this android application.

Delicacies are popular all over the world, since a person is as good as what they partake of, delicacies enable all lovers of food and by extension the human family to not only get what they would love to eat but also instructions of how to cook the food itself.

Setup and Installation Requirements

To run this program:

$ Fork the repository from my git hub.
$ Clone this repository to a location in your file system.
$ Open the Android Studio and locate where you have clone the file and open it. 
$ Type gradle run on your android studio to set up the dependencies you will need when running the application.
$ You need to install a virtual device on your android studio and ensure the emulator is installed, you can also opt to use you physical device or smart phone.
$ You will require to enable the application in the manifest file to access interent since the application uses internet to retrieve data from an api.
$ To success use the application the retrofit and picasso dependencies must be present in your dependecies.  

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

This android application is documented and designed around the behavior a user expects to experience when interacting with it.

  • When a user open the application they will be prompted to wait as the app transition to the next layout with the content.
  • Once the delicacies activity is opened the user will have a list of delicacies categories from where he or she can choose from.
  • The user can click on a single category and have a list of food in that category listed for them.
  • User can as well search for their favorite meals and save them later for further exploration.
  • User are allowed to create their account and login in whenever they want to access content of the application.


  • XML
  • Java - Java is an OOP language used for both web design and mobile application designs.
  • Retrofit - enabling the application to consume an APi.
  • Picasso - enabling the application to display images from the APi
  • Firebase - enabling realtime data storage and retreaval.
  • SharedPreferences - to enable systemic storage of crucial data.


MIT Licence copyright (c) 2022 Okello Thomas Olal. All Rights Reserved.

The Delicacies is sole work of Okello Thomas and it delivered free on the github, for any changes or restrictions like in the case of update, upgrade or omission of part of the software, permission is here granted for any person to alter the code of this for software to fit thier purpose.

Once the software has been altred, the above permission will be obsolute and you will be required to work under the new guidelines or copyright policy provided.

This application permission does not involve any warrant to its users.

Authors information

Contributions are always welcome!
If you have any questions,comments or correctional advice, feel free to contact me

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