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An image picker library with Crop feature for Android with RTL support.
Updated 3 years ago


A simple library to select images from the gallery and camera with RTL support.


For Camera

  1. cameraOnly() -> To open the CameraX only
  2. crop() -> Only works with camera
  3. compressImage -> compresing image work for both gallery and camera

Gallery related function

  1. galleryOnly() -> To open the gallery view only
  2. singleSelection -> Pick single file
  3. multiSelection -> Pick multi file and get the result as ArrayList
  4. maxResultSize -> Max Width and Height of final image
  5. compressImage -> compresing image work for both gallery and camera
  6. compressVideo -> (Under Development)
  7. onlyImage -> Select image from gallery
  8. onlyVideo -> Select video from gallery

Receive the result

  1. ProPicker.getPickerDataAsByteArray(this, intent) -> Returns all the data as ByteArray
  2. ProPicker.getSelectedPickerDatas(intent: Intent) -> Get all the data
  3. ProPicker.getPickerData(intent: Intent) -> Get single data


Thanks to shaon2016 for his awesome work. I'll keep updating and adding more features to it in future.

Tags androidx