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Barcode reader mobile samples

Samples for Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Android and iOS edition
Updated 6 months ago

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader samples for Android and iOS editions

This repository contains multiple samples that demonstrate how to use the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Android and iOS Editions.



  • Supported OS: Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or higher.
  • Supported ABI: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
  • Development Environment: Android Studio 2022.2.1 or higher.


  • Supported OS: iOS 11.0 or higher (iOS 13 and higher recommended).
  • Supported ABI: arm64 and x86_64.
  • Development Environment: Xcode 13 and above (Xcode 14.1+ recommended), CocoaPods 1.11.0+


Sample Name Description Programming Language(s)
DecodeWithCameraEnhancer The simplest sample of video streaming barcode scanner using DynamsoftCameraEnhancer as the input source. Java(Android)/Kotlin/Objective-C/Swift
DecodeWithCameraX The video streaming barcode scanner sample, but using CameraX as the input source. Java(Android)/Kotlin
DecodeWithAVCaptureSession The video streaming barcode scanner sample, but using AVCaptureSession as the input source. Objective-C/Swift
DecodeFromAnImage The sample shows how to pick an image from the album for barcode decoding. Java(Android)/Kotlin/Objective-C/Swift
GeneralSettings Displays general barcode decoding settings and camera settings like barcode formats, expected barcode count and scan region settings. The default scan mode is continuous scanning. Java(Android)/Swift
PerformanceSettings Parameter configuration guide on improving the speed, read-rate and accuracy of barcode reading. The sample includes the code of image decoding from the album. Java(Android)/Swift
TinyBarcodeDecoding The sample to tell you how to process the tiny barcodes. Including zoom and focus control. Java(Android)/Swift

How to build (For iOS Editions)

  1. Enter the sample folder, install DBR SDK through pod command

    pod install
  2. Open the generated file [SampleName].xcworkspace


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