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Launching a telegram bot FeedBack on the Android system through Termux
Updated 2 years ago


::launching a telegram bot on the Android system through Termux::

Bot for feedback. If you have a store or any business project in which feedback is needed, you can implement it using this bot.

General Information:

Launching a telegram bot in Android via Termux. You don't have to pay for the domain and hosting, we'll run it in NodeJS in your Android device.

Visits Badge

before starting the installation, register the bot @BotFather for get a <bot_token> more detailed
and need get a User ID @userinfobot for administration bot


Launching a TG Bot in the Android
First, install app Termux in F-Droid only Android >= 7, on Google Play does not work correctly. After in Termux, we writing commands:

  • pkg upd
  • pkg install git
  • git clone
  • cd tgba
  • bash

if for some reason your device with turned off or rebooted, use this command to start:

  • cd tgba
  • bash
finished development

Tested working on Android: 6.0-ok, 7.0-ok, 11.0-ok
device: MEIZU PRO7, SAMSUNG S10 Lite
SAMSUNG A5 Android 6.0 To make the bot work on an old Android, you need to install app Termux in Google Play


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