php jwt

php jwt

Ultra lightweight, dependency free and standalone JSON web token (JWT) library for PHP5.6 to PHP8.2. This library makes JWT a...

laravel auth token

laravel auth token

Hooks into the laravel auth module and provides an auth token upon success. This token is really only secure in...

lighthouse graphql passport auth

lighthouse graphql passport auth

Add GraphQL mutations to get tokens from passport for



🐺 Official repository of Xenos, a token grabber and token manager in web, can't delete your webhook, just ratelimit it...

rate limiter

rate limiter

Provides a Token Bucket implementation to rate limit input and output in your application

firebase tokens php

firebase tokens php

By @kreait

A PHP library to work with Firebase tokens



⚡ GUI for editing LLM vector embeddings. No more blind chunking. Upload content in any file extension, join and split...

php apple signin

php apple signin

🗝 Decode Apple Sign In client tokens in PHP

laravel otp

laravel otp

OTP generator and validator

yii2 jwt

yii2 jwt

By @SiZE

A simple Yii2 component to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature

PHP Token Reflection

PHP Token Reflection

Library emulating the PHP internal reflection using just the tokenized source code



:no_entry: PSR-7 storage-less CSRF token generation/validation

cakephp jwt auth

cakephp jwt auth

By @ADmad

A CakePHP plugin for authenticating using JSON Web Tokens

erc20 php

erc20 php

Interact with Ethereum ERC20 Tokens



Use this to quickly generate Stripe test tokens for successful or exceptional responses from Stripe.

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