laravel settings

laravel settings

Persistent key-value storage for Laravel, json value supported. l10n supported.

laravel favicon extractor

laravel favicon extractor

Extract a favicon from any website and save it to your local storage

laravel storage

laravel storage

A simple filesystem abstraction package for Laravel 4.



Encrypted storage with built-in key management facilities

symfony storage
cloud storage server

cloud storage server

An open source, extensible, self-hosted cloud storage API. The base server implements a complete file system similar to Amazon Cloud...

kohana storage

kohana storage

A storage abstraction supporting Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, EMC Atmos, FTP and the local file system.

flysystem oss

flysystem oss

:floppy_disk: Flysystem adapter for the oss storage.

laminas cache

laminas cache

Caching implementation with a variety of storage options, as well as codified caching strategies for callbacks, classes, and output



PurePHP Key-Value Storage



Doctrine2 ORM storage adapter for ZfcUser.

lara files

lara files

Lara-files is a package which will make it easier to work with files. Package has built-in support for DigitalOcean spaces...

laravel filesystem cos

laravel filesystem cos

Tencent Cloud COS storage for Laravel based on overtrue/flysystem-cos.

backblaze b2

backblaze b2

:vhs: A standard PHP SDK for backblaze b2 cloud files & storage system

moodle tool_objectfs

moodle tool_objectfs

Object file storage system for Moodle

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