laravel medialibrary ext

laravel medialibrary ext

Extra features for spatie/laravel-medialibrary package

Laravel ACL GUI

Laravel ACL GUI

Laravel ACL GUI using Spatie Laravel Permission and Yazra Datatable with Ajax

laravel vuexy sanctum spa demo

laravel vuexy sanctum spa demo

Spatie permission, Vue CASL, Sanctum SPA authentication demo

spatie laravel permission permission middleware

spatie laravel permission permission middleware

Better control your permissions using namespaces

detect laravel ray action

detect laravel ray action

Github Action to detect remaining Spatie\ray calls in a Laravel application

laravel dashboard uptime robot tile

laravel dashboard uptime robot tile

By @Luca

A tile for Spatie's Laravel Dashboard package that displays the status of your Uptime Robot monitors.

spatie crawler queue with laravel model

spatie crawler queue with laravel model

By @Hélio

Spatie's Crawler with Laravel Model as Queue

laravel backpack redirection manager

laravel backpack redirection manager

By @Novius

This package provides an admin panel to manage redirections with

laravel permission api

laravel permission api

Laravel RBAC permission and multiple auth API base on spatie/laravel-permission

spatie crawler cached queue example

spatie crawler cached queue example

Example to demonstrate the usage of cached queues across multiple requests.

queue size health check

queue size health check

Check the queue size with Spatie Health Package

laravel permissions

laravel permissions

Front-End Implementation of spatie/laravel-permission

laravel activitylog ui

laravel activitylog ui

A Voyager-powered UI for the spatie/laravel-activitylog package that we all love!

laravel admin media library

laravel admin media library

Spatie Media-Library extension for Laravel-Admin

REST API CRUD With Laravel 5

REST API CRUD With Laravel 5

Make REST API with Package Fractal (

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