

Page that allows user to log in, register and reset forgotten password

PHP User Management System

PHP User Management System

By @Dennis

A PHP user manager MVC boilerplate with registration, authentication, password reseting, sessions and remember me functionality,



a simple registration form with authentication for users to login and also reset password when forgotten

mihdan remove angle brackets

mihdan remove angle brackets

WordPress plugin for Removes angle brackets from a password reset link.

veemo auth

veemo auth

Veemo Auth - core package. Login, registration, password resets, user activation, active, inactive, banned, throttling.



By @Level2

An easier way to subscribe, unsubscribe or to reset passwords for mailman mailinglists



Building a register, log in/log out, password reset using PHP for Start.ng Hospital.

laravel angular authentication7

laravel angular authentication7

Laravel and Agularal with JWT authentication series with Reset password system.

tech portal public code

tech portal public code

A website portal for GRC students who need to reset their password

laravel angular authentication

laravel angular authentication

Laravel and Angular with JWT authentication series with Reset password system.



custom module for Drupal 8 to reset passwords of users by role

simple login and registration system

simple login and registration system

This is a simple login and registration system with password resetting capabilities.

LaravelMix Socialite

LaravelMix Socialite

Laravel Mix application with vue js components, for basic authentication (login, register, reset-password).

wp login flow old

wp login flow old

WordPress plugin to require email activation utilizing the built-in WordPress reset password feature



Laravel Auth Login, Registrasi menggunakan verifikasi email, reset password menggunakan email dengan Gmail

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