Laravel Ecommerce API

Laravel Ecommerce API

Lite E-Commerce API

laravel passport mutiauth

laravel passport mutiauth

Laravel Passport Multi-Authentication Middleware

laravel passport socialite

laravel passport socialite

The missing social authentication plugin (i.e. SocialGrant) for laravel passport.

nuxt laravel passport example
Creating OAuth Server Laravel Passport

Creating OAuth Server Laravel Passport

By @Neo

This is an Example of how to create an OAuth server using Laravel Passport



This is just a simple app to show how to Authenticate a flutter app with Laravel passport

Laravel Passport

Laravel Passport

[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the SocialiteProviders/Laravel-Passport Provider (see SocialiteProviders/Providers)

passport socialite

passport socialite

By @Matt A

A Laravel socialite driver for Laravel Passport

openid connect

openid connect

Adds the OpenID Connect identity layer to the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. With Laravel Passport support.

laravel passport oAuth2 example

laravel passport oAuth2 example

Laravel Passport OAuth2 Tutorial:

passport custom request grant

passport custom request grant

Custom Request Grant for Laravel Passport



Complete api authentication with laravel passport

laravel sso passport

laravel sso passport

[DEPRECATED] A simple SSO (Single Sign On) system using the Laravel Framework with Passport API Authentication

security starter

security starter

Security starter is a full implementation of laravel/passport and heloufir/simple-passport, containing all the implementations of the authentication and forgot password...



Scaffolds for SPA and API using laravel 5.8.x and nuxt 2.x

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