simple douban oauth2

simple douban oauth2

A simple php douban oauth2 client

amocrm api php

amocrm api php

By @Andrey

Простая обертка на PHP7+ для работы с API amoCRM v2 с aвторизацией oAuth 2.0, поддержкой AJAX-запросов к frontend-методам, троттлингом запросов...

f3 cms

f3 cms

By @Vijay

PHP7 Fat-Free Framework based CMS extending original project and using UI-kit



🔐 Application for using OAuth 2.0 in ownCloud

HelloWorld PHP

HelloWorld PHP

Starter app in PHP using OAuth2 that demonstrates how to make a QBO API Call

openid connect server

openid connect server

This is an OpenID Connect Server written in PHP.

Weixin Web

Weixin Web

[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the SocialiteProviders/Weixin-Web Provider (see SocialiteProviders/Providers)

formassembly api

formassembly api

Example code for interacting with's OAuth2 API endpoints. Examples currently include PHP, Python, Bash, Salesforce.

zf oauth2 doctrine

zf oauth2 doctrine

OAuth2 Doctrine Adapter for Apigility

oauth2 salesforce

oauth2 salesforce

Salesforce Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client



OAuth2 Server für YCom

dokuwiki plugin oauth

dokuwiki plugin oauth

Generic oAuth1 and oAuth2 plugin for DokuWiki

yii2 league oauth2 server

yii2 league oauth2 server

Yii 2.0 implementation of PHP league OAuth2 server interfaces

laravel starter kit

laravel starter kit

By @Salla

An awesome starter template to create your Salla Apps today! 🚀



OAuth2 plugin for CakePHP

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