audioapp laravel

audioapp laravel

Audio App using Vuejs, inertiajs, Laravel and MySQL



By @Mavis

Laravel ToDo List。使用Laradock、Vue、axios、MySQL

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Crud Laravel 5.8

By @Victor

Simple crud of Laravel 5.8 and MySQL for beginners (Crud simple de Laravel 5.8 y MySQL para principiantes)

HighCharts in Laravel 8 with MySQL

HighCharts in Laravel 8 with MySQL

Highcharts is a js library, this library through we can use bar chart, line chart, area chart, column chart etc....

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CRUD app with Laravel, mysql, and bootstrap.

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Around Ecommerce API

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The APIs about ecommerce store ( * Authentication : (login, register, forget password, verification email) * products module : (...

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This repo is a docker boilerplate to use for Laravel and Lumen projects.

laravel mysql sync

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Syncing Database from one environment to the local environment.

laravel mysqlbackup

laravel mysqlbackup

Laravel package to create MySql database backup in .sql or .sql.gz

Docker laravel env

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Env laravel + Nginx + mysql dockerized

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