locale route example

locale route example

An example application for a testable route system with localization in Laravel 5



Translation strings parser and web editor for Laravel applications.

laravel int

laravel int

By @Epigra

🌐 Easy to use internationalization/localization functions for Laravel 7

app locale

app locale

Localization for Laravel and Lumen Framework

Informative web LARAVEL

Informative web LARAVEL

This is a web application that is mainly created by LARAVEL. The functionalities of this website have blade template, yielding,...

laravel json tongue

laravel json tongue

📦🌐 Use multiple JSON files per locale on Laravel

texterify wordpress

texterify wordpress

The official Wordpress plugin for the translation and localization management system



By @Vasya

Multi-Language i18n Localization

laravel auto translator

laravel auto translator

Automatic translation for Laravel 10+

filament tab translatable

filament tab translatable

By @Kaan

Tabs Translate for FilamentPHP



Multi-Language i18n Localization

blog laravel localization

blog laravel localization

An implementation of Laravel Localization (l10n) from fajarwz.com/blog

native country names

native country names

The project contains native translations of country names



A simple PHP class for handling translations.

translator utils

translator utils

Utils for localization with Translator application

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