laravel react purity dashboard

laravel react purity dashboard

React Laravel - Purity Dashboard (Open-Source) | AppSeed

curso laravel 9 dashboard ead

curso laravel 9 dashboard ead

Files Course Dashboard EAD with Laravel 9.x

tomato admin

tomato admin

Tomato Admin Dashboard Build With FilamentPHP Theme for Laravel Splade

nova multiple dashboard

nova multiple dashboard

[DEPRECATED] - Support for multiple custom dashboards in Laravel Nova

Flutter Doctor Appointment App With Laravel

Flutter Doctor Appointment App With Laravel

This is about building a Doctor Appointment App with using Laravel as Backed and Dashboard.

nova laravel update card

nova laravel update card

Check if you're running the latest Laravel version right from your Nova dashboard.



a free, open-source dashboard panel starter kit for Laravel

ct argon dashboard pro laravel

ct argon dashboard pro laravel

Argon Pro Dashboard For Laravel Framework 9.x and Up

tech ecommerce

tech ecommerce

A full-stack CRUD Laravel and ReactJs E-Commerce platform with a secure authentication system using Laravel Sanctum, with the admin dashboard.

laravel grafana dashboard

laravel grafana dashboard

A simple data dashboard built with Laravel, MySQL, and Grafana, all tied together under a Docker network

filament memory tracker

filament memory tracker

Track the memory usage of workers and Laravel queues and display them in Filament Admin Dashboard

valet dashboard

valet dashboard

A simple dashboard for Laravel Valet to display all available sites.

laravel dashboard skeleton tile

laravel dashboard skeleton tile

By @Spatie

A skeleton you can use to package up a tile for laravel-dashboard

nova horizon link

nova horizon link

Smart Link for Laravel Nova to Horizon Dashboard.

laravel vue admin

laravel vue admin

Laravel Vue Admin is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue3 and the UI Toolkit Element Plus.

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