laravel casbin admin

laravel casbin admin

By @pltrue

Vue-Element-Admin + Laravel开发前后端分离的Rbac管理后台 (该项目接口已整合到了composer包 并提供了全新的ui后台 更快速更灵活更现代化-

laravel blog api

laravel blog api

By @九歌

laravel+vue 个人博客,项目预览:

laravel filemanager example 5.3

laravel filemanager example 5.3

Demo integration for laravel-filemanager (

roadrunner laravel

roadrunner laravel

[ABANDONED] Moved to



Easily inspect incoming HTTP Requests

chat demo

chat demo

Demo Application for



Anticipate the outcome of a future HTTP request.

Alpaca Spa Laravel

Alpaca Spa Laravel

By @Sponge

Alpaca-Spa-Laravel 是用Alpaca-Spa + Laravel 前后端分离开发的一款后台管理系统的DEMO,当然你也可以用他来为前台编写http接口、websocket接口

telescope guzzle watcher

telescope guzzle watcher

Telescope Guzzle Watcher provide a custom watcher for intercepting http requests made via guzzlehttp/guzzle php library. The package uses the...

security headers

security headers

A collection of HTTP middleware classes to improve the security headers in your Laravel application

lazy json pages

lazy json pages

📜 Framework-agnostic package to load items from any paginated JSON API into a Laravel lazy collection via async HTTP requests.

laravel mitnick

laravel mitnick

🔐 laravel-security helps you secure your Laravel apps by setting various HTTP headers.

artisan remote

artisan remote

Artisan Remote is a package for Laravel to interact with your Artisan Commands via an HTTP API.

laravel guzzle throttle

laravel guzzle throttle

A Laravel wrapper for

laravel pwned passwords

laravel pwned passwords

By @Ubient

Simple Laravel validation rule that allows you to prevent or limit the re-use of passwords that are known to be...

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