laravel flash

laravel flash

⭐️ Flash Notifications for Laravel

aplikasi manajemen data sekolah

aplikasi manajemen data sekolah

Aplikasi Manajemen Data Sekolah yang dibuat menggunakan Framework Laravel yang sudah menerapkan beberapa fitur dari Framework Laravel itu sendiri, seperti...

laravel honeypot

laravel honeypot

Laravel form spam protection with honeypot technique



PHP form generation library with array model binding.

lar ater

lar ater

Laravel form repeater, with multiple uploads for specific cases.

formbuilder field

formbuilder field

By @R.Mora

This package add form builder for projects that use the Backpack for Laravel CRUD panel.

cfbs laravel customer feedback

cfbs laravel customer feedback

Customer Feedback Survey (CFBS) Management System - doubles also as contact form management system designed with Laravel 8



Absensi Karyawan dengan Barcode, Form Cuti, Form Lembur dan Rekapan

Upload CSV File Data to Database

Upload CSV File Data to Database

This web application uploads large-size CSV file to MySQL Database through HTML form.

laravel form processor

laravel form processor

An easy way to process multiple form requests from one controller method.



Laravel 8 Multi Step Form

ajax form

ajax form

Ajax form using VueJS and Laravel

laravel form js
laravel format

laravel format

[WIP] Utility class to format values for display.

formation app

formation app

E-learning Application using Laravel and Vuejs

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