

Laravel Event Logger

Event Management

Event Management

Event planning system



Progetto di Tecnologie Web, UNIVPM A.A. 2020-2021



An e-commerce platform that sells concert tickets with add to cart functionality, payment gateway, role based authentication, crud function of...



Event management system built with Laravel 9

laravel notifications

laravel notifications

Implementing Mail, SMS and Database Notifications with Events and Listeners

R6 Unofficial API

R6 Unofficial API

R6 Unofficial API (provisional name), is a long-term project by which to address the little or no data that can...



Aplicação de eventos criada para poder praticar o conhecimento adquirido da tecnologia Laravel.

health office activity scheduling

health office activity scheduling

This repository contains the source code for a web-based activity scheduling system developed for the Health Office in Central Kalimantan...

events page laravel

events page laravel

Projeto de uma página de criação de eventos desenvolvido com Laravel.

ips backend

ips backend

An achievement event driven system

php management

php management

🎉 Event management system made with PHP/Laravel, with registration/login feature.

ga demo

ga demo

This is just demo repository to explain Github Actions in the Laravel Rajkot event on 26th March '23

laravel skeleton ddd

laravel skeleton ddd

Plantilla para comenzar un proyecto de microservicios (monorepositorio) con Laravel aplicando DDD, Arquitectura Hexagonal, CQRS y Event Sourcing integrado con...



This is a laravel application that, role-based enables various users to view various blog posts and also to create theirs...

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