simple orm

simple orm

This is a simple eloquent-like orm I wrote for my school projects



By @danole

Перепишите работу с базой данных в проекте из ВП №2 с использованием Eloquent ORM.

test api restful silex

test api restful silex

Teste - Construção de API Restful com Silex + MySQL + JWT + Eloquent ORM

scout elasticsearch

scout elasticsearch

Use elasticsearch as easy as using Eloquent ORM in your laravel application.

php backend start

php backend start

My "starter package" for site's requiring a PHP backend (uses SlimPHP + Laravel's Eloquent ORM).

Blog using Laravel MVC

Blog using Laravel MVC

Awesome on-going blog using Laravel 5 MVC, Eloquent ORM, Bootstrap

yaf orm

yaf orm

集成了Laravel的Eloquent ORM的Yaf框架

Eloquent orm
eloquent orm cursosdesarrolloweb

eloquent orm cursosdesarrolloweb

Curso de Eloquent ORM de

Eloquent ORM Laravel
basic eloquent laravel course

basic eloquent laravel course

Project of the basic course of data management in Laravel with Eloquent ORM



An elastic orm i'm building to resemble eloquent. Why? because i feel like :)

laravel blog

laravel blog

Laravel blog, Eloquent ORM, passport, user authentication, commenting, upvote, downvote, notification, user role management with spatie

Eloquent ORM

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