source contracts

source contracts

By @phplrt

[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the phplrt source contracts component (see phplrt/phplrt)

contracts templating

contracts templating

The template engine interface of the ellipse framework



The data source for - open sourcing the music industry.

ast contracts

ast contracts

By @phplrt

[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the phplrt ast contracts component (see phplrt/phplrt)

configurator contracts

configurator contracts

Contracts for describing configuration formats and building optimized code from it

pipeline contracts

pipeline contracts

Provide contracts for an Extract-Load-Pattern, with logging, line rejections and execution states.

laravel contracts

laravel contracts

Set of interfaces which help me to structure laravel projects.



Interfaces for the Hydrator package.

contracts immobiles
state machine interface

state machine interface

By @Dhii

Interop contracts for state machines

http server contracts

http server contracts

Contracts for the http-server

blacksmith contracts

blacksmith contracts

Contracts for Hexagonal Architecture scaffolding

modules contracts

modules contracts

Serenity CMS - Modules Contracts Package

swoft jobs

swoft jobs

Distributed Job Queue, Contracts, Annotations, Helpers, Adapters

humhub modules algorand

humhub modules algorand

Smart contracts integration with humhub-modules-xcoin

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