cloud breeze

cloud breeze

An easier solution to deploy ready to use API Server, to start you PWA development in no time.

laravue3 breeze

laravue3 breeze

A project template for Laravel projects utilizing Vue 3



[DEVELOP] This repository hosts the source code for a web streaming platform that provides a seamless movie-watching experience. Built using...

boilerplate breeze vue inertia

boilerplate breeze vue inertia

Boilerplate of laravel breeze with vue inertia

laravel vue breeze app with inertiajs

laravel vue breeze app with inertiajs

developed the app using VueJS and Laravel.

Company Profile Laravel

Company Profile Laravel

Silahkan kunjungi repo ini apabila ada trouble dan lakukan comparation



A pretty clone build with Laravel

laravel react chakra

laravel react chakra

Scaffold Laravel, Laravel Breeze, Inertia.js, Reactjs & Chakra-ui

laravue starter

laravue starter

Boilerplate for Laravel 9.2 + Breeze + Tailwind 3+ Vue 3 + InertiaJs



This is the image manipulation api which can resize image by px or % or orther. By start testing the...

laravel vuejs cart

laravel vuejs cart

Simple Web application with a list of products, Auth system and a shopping cart system that handles offline and online...

Charity Management System  Laravel

Charity Management System Laravel

This project is my university's final project. Used Breeze Authentication to create login, register panel.

laravel inertia js breeze typescript react ssr

laravel inertia js breeze typescript react ssr

Startup template with Inertia Js, Typescript, React, SSR ( Server Side Rendering ) and Breeze Authentication



A PHP CLI tool for managing LAMP projects within a Vagrant environment



Sistema de citas médicas usando Laravel Breeze.

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