

O site tem como ojetivo principal ajudar a população de Maceió-Alagoas a encontrar o posto de gasolina mais barato...

kafka topics message browser

kafka topics message browser

Search your Kafka topics with this python flask web browser. kafka-topics-message-browser allows for customizable browsing/searching of Kafka topics. Functionality: provide...

Flask Validation

Flask Validation

By @Viper

🚔 A Pythonic way for validate requested JSON payload of Flask 🚔



A full stack web app for managing the evaluation of research projects that request finance from the European Union



API based on flask using machine learning to detect spam comments. Use the URL for POST request

Diabetes Prediction API

Diabetes Prediction API

A RESTful API using Flask and XGBoost to predict diabetes in Pima Indians based on various diagnostic measurements. Includes training,...



The project is designed as a web application that takes user input as a search key and returns the reviews...

flask remote ip

flask remote ip

Flask Web App To Return your Public IP

store rest api v1

store rest api v1

A Store API built with Flask and Python, designed to manage stores and their associated items. The API utilizes a...



By @bertek

Discover the beauty of Python and React! Find media content with ease using keywords. Our Python Flask API handles requests,...

api tech talk

api tech talk

An example of working with APIs and HTTP requests.

disaster response pipeline

disaster response pipeline

Classify messages according to the assistance requested. Covers: ETL pipeline, Machine Learning pipeline, web application

http worker

http worker

HTTP Worker is a simple REST API built with Flask and cloudscraper that allows you to get an HTTP response...



Blogging website using Flask where you can login, CRUD Posts, forward other posts, change the font and font color of...

flask orders

flask orders

Using flask and requests to get the infomation of GHN orders and print it out at:

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