web project index

web project index

A list of projects using Python web frameworks

quotes traffic

quotes traffic

A Microservice web application to post and search quotes related to ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು Traffic of personal and other users.

city locator

city locator

city-locator is an Http-Triggered Azure Function App implemented with FastAPI, which consumes APIs of http://www.zippopotam.us/ to fetch city details by...

vl devops

vl devops

This repo containts all part-project files of the lecture 'Introduction to DevOps, Continuous Delivery tools and mindset.'

python job insights

python job insights

Projeto desenvolvido para prática de conceitos básicos em Python

my_blog flask
basic flask api crud
Backend Task

Backend Task

By @Arvind

Backend Intern Task

job insights

job insights

Python. Project developed in Trybe's Computer Science module

job insights

job insights

Project made in Python with the purpose of analyzing a CSV file that contains jobs descriptions.

flask restx machine

flask restx machine

Vending Machine implementation in Flask Restx Framework



Website for cleaning company

auth service flask

auth service flask

By @Denis

MovieApi Authentication Service

VDRS Solutions

VDRS Solutions

CMPE327 - Software Quality Assurance project where a Flask application was built as a team using test-driven development and security...

job insights

job insights

Web application developed with flask for analysis from a job data set.

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