python toy project

python toy project

Just a simple toy project to experiment with Python



Introduction to Python

Book Library App

Book Library App

By @Filip

Flask Rest API with authentication which allows user to manage books with their authors.



Official Recommendation Service of SIESGSTarena

interview project

interview project

My solution to the interview project provided by BCX Namibia as part of their applicant screening process.

job insights

job insights

Web application developed in python using the Flask framework. Aims to display job data extracted from Glassdor and available in...

B S Cafe

B S Cafe

By @Ario

a sample of Cafe web application

project job insights

project job insights

Aplicação em Flask que permite obter informações de empregos extraídos do site Glassdoor através do Kaggle



O Job Insights é um site sobre análises a partir de um conjunto de dados sobre empregos

job insights

job insights

Projeto com o objetivo de aplicar os conceitos básicos em Python utilizando o framework Flask. Este projeto foi criado para...

project job insights

project job insights

Neste projeto, implementei análises a partir de um conjunto de dados sobre empregos. As implementações foram incorporadas a um aplicativo...

job insights

job insights

Analysis of job data that has been incorporated into a web application using Python



A script in Python and Ajax which returns the total words of a given text.

oc p11 gudlft

oc p11 gudlft

OpenClassrooms - Python Application Developer - Project 11

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