password generator bot

password generator bot

Password generator telegram bot



Provides utilities for securing passwords and handling user sessions.

cs50 project

cs50 project

By @Hanit

📁 CS50 project - Flask web application ✔️Rate-limiting middleware ✔️Salted password authentication ✔️Integration tests

Flask blog

Flask blog

A blog application built using Flask, SQLite and Bootstrap. It has features like user registration, login, logout, create, update and...



Art gallery management system is a platform where there are artists who upload their arts in gallery and the customer...

pass fraze

pass fraze

By @Anton

PassFraze: A versatile 3-in-1 password tool. Generates, cracks, and analyzes passwords. Implemented with a user-friendly web interface using Flask for...

Weblock API

Weblock API

WebLock is a secure user authentication system designed to provide web applications with robust input validation, password checks, and encryption.

OTP Verification

OTP Verification

This is a simple web application built with Flask and Twilio for sending and verifying OTPs (One-Time Passwords). Users can...

ARZ All In One Password Generator

ARZ All In One Password Generator

Generate Memorable or Random Password with options containing uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers that can be set percentages, symbols that can...

loan prediction flask

loan prediction flask

The project employs Flask-Login for user session management, bcrypt for password hashing, and Flask-Migrate for database migrations. It serves as...

Password Suite

Password Suite

This is the computer science project by me and Soumodeep Bhowmick for class 12.(The site is inactive now)

password manager

password manager

A password manager app built using Flask/Python and ReactJs.



Simple server to access your passwords



Simple device password management to replace regular password for systems not capable of single sign-on.

ESILV Cryptography S8

ESILV Cryptography S8

A student project on cryptography featuring a secure password storage and securely authenticating users without transmitting passwords in cleartext.

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