s3 monitoring
picstone generative ai

picstone generative ai

Picstone is an innovative platform that combines visual content with storytelling and music generation. It allows users to upload images,...



A small mySQL and CRUD demo with Flask

flask auth template

flask auth template

JWT authentication in Flask



Basic CRUD with Python Flask & MySQL Database

docker nginx flask celery mysql redis

docker nginx flask celery mysql redis

Basic Docker Compose template application with Flask, Celery, Redis, MySQL, SocketIO, Nginx and Gunicorn.



A comprehensive theatre management and ticket booking system built with Flask for Python and MySQL, presented via a web based...

event management system

event management system

📣 A comprehensive event management system built with Flask Framework(Python) and MySQL, presented via a web based UI under a...

ZKP Voting System

ZKP Voting System

A blockchain voting system incorporating zero knowledge proofs. Built as a API using Flask + MySQL

Finance Full Stack Web App using Flask and SQL

Finance Full Stack Web App using Flask and SQL

Monolithic model-view-controller full-stack web application built with Python, Flask, SQL Alchemy, MySQL, Jinja, and Bootstrap. Application Server hosted on AWS...

dns manager

dns manager

By @jack


blog flask

blog flask


Web based SSIS

Web based SSIS

A web-based student information system made using Flask framework and MySQL.

AI Enabled B2B FINTECH Management

AI Enabled B2B FINTECH Management

AI-Enabled FinTech B2B Invoice Management Application

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