

API development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework

Python Roadmap 2022

Python Roadmap 2022

Learning Python Programming

flask admin boilerplate

flask admin boilerplate

Flask Admin Boilerplate with MongoDB

web dev bootcamp

web dev bootcamp

Complete course and guide of the "Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python"



Flask-based ActivityPub server



Flask + Layui Fly Template实现的一个社区项目,使用flask-admin实现了简单的后台管理功能,数据库使用Mongodb,前台实现功能:用户注册、登录、邮件激活、发帖、回帖、点赞、回复、采纳、删帖、结贴等功能

docker flask mongodb example

docker flask mongodb example

Uses docker compose with a python flask microservice and MongoDB instance to make a sample application

ToDo List using Flask and MongoDB

ToDo List using Flask and MongoDB

Sample Flask App with MongoDB - Simple implementation of ToDo List along with Dockerfile and Kubernetes yaml files



Rework the BlogRework, a SEO friendly SPA, build with flask, react, redux, mongodb...



Travel App using Flutter 💙

BestCovid19_bot DialogFlow

BestCovid19_bot DialogFlow

This chatbot developed using Dialoglow,python,flask,MongoDB and deployed on Telegram and pivotal cloud foundary. search @bestcovid19_bot on telegram app

flask restful authentication

flask restful authentication

An example for RESTful authentication using nginx, uWSGI, Flask, MongoDB and JSON Web Token(JWT).

eve building restful mongodb backed apis course

eve building restful mongodb backed apis course

Course materials and handouts for EVE: Building RESTful MongoDB-backed APIs course

flask boilerplate

flask boilerplate

Minimal setup for building a Python API running with Flask and MongoDB, inside Docker Containers

flask graphql example

flask graphql example

Example GraphQL application with Flask, pypy/python3 and MongoDB

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