flask application template

flask application template

Flask application template with all functionalities such as migrations, logging, model, View, schema, controller, flask admin, flask login, .env, authentication,...



Migration from MySql to Mongo DB

Flask Advanced CRUD REST API

Flask Advanced CRUD REST API

Advanced CRUD REST API with Serialization with Marshmallow, E-mail confirmations, Image uploads, Database migrations, Third party login with OAuth and...

py flask postgre api

py flask postgre api

Simple Flask app with postgre-sql and migrations

Backend APIs Flask SQLAlchemy

Backend APIs Flask SQLAlchemy

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), schema design, database migration, testing REST APIs, Identity Access Management (IAM), secure REST APIs, server deployment, CI/CD...



Flask app for automatically migrating Amazon Music playlists to Spotify.

casting agency

casting agency

Flask App for creating movies and managing and assigning actors to those movies.

flask webapp postgresql db

flask webapp postgresql db

Artists Booking Venues powered by Python (Flask) and PostgreSQL Database. Designed for deployment with the Azure Developer CLI (azd).

x zone

x zone

By @Lyons

This is a Technology blog website made with Flask and python



Гайд по схлопыванию миграций, а то получится как в тот раз

loan prediction flask

loan prediction flask

The project employs Flask-Login for user session management, bcrypt for password hashing, and Flask-Migrate for database migrations. It serves as...



Visualisation / Analysis of Australia migration data set form 1945 to 2018

Araba Kiralama

Araba Kiralama

Python Flask ile Web teknolojilerini öğrenmek için geliştirdiğim web projesi.



Some useful functionalities with flask ( python based web framework ) e.g Rest,SQLAlchemy(ORM),login,security, migrations(Alembic) etc.

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