poetry jenkins library

poetry jenkins library

Jenkins Library to Automate Poetry Stages



A deep learning library for dumb people.

pyflask restful assistant

pyflask restful assistant

pyflask-api-generator is a plugin-based tool that generates Python 3 source code for the main purpose of implement RESTful API server...

WSGi http server

WSGi http server

By @vrnxx

Own simple WSGI-http server with default python libraries.

full stack library

full stack library

Flask backend + MySQL Database for managing library systems, books, users, and so much more!



WConsole Extractor is a python library which automatically exploits a Werkzeug development server in debug mode. You just have to...

flask chat flask socketio

flask chat flask socketio

A fully responsive and functional chat web application with Python and JS library, SocketIO

Movie Libary

Movie Libary

iMDb Movie Library is a Flask Web Application that lets users checkout and return iMDb digital content. It is a...

cu libraries

cu libraries

Our BOOKED - “Book a Study Space” app will enable the user to book a study space on campus in...



Book Library Backend Flask SQLalchemy



By @Vini

Starter kit library for Python Flask projects



practice and examples of using py2neo (a client library and toolkit for working with neo4j from within py applications and...

flask vue books

flask vue books

My private library with flask and vue and goodreads api (login: test, password: test)

Iris Classification API

Iris Classification API

"Iris-Classification-API" is a Github Repository that uses Flask to create an API that accepts JSON data, generates a request ID,...

flask sockets io

flask sockets io

Flask SocketIO is a powerful library that allows real-time communication between the server and clients using WebSockets. It's commonly used...

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