functions multiple endpoints

functions multiple endpoints

Run multiple endpoints on Serverless services (e.g AWS lambda, Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions)

slack vk bot

slack vk bot

By @Lambda

Главный королевский глашатай :robot:

serverless flask sample

serverless flask sample

Simple fully managed API server using API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB and Flask. And deploy the infrastructure by serverless framework. (API...

sms aws sqs python receiver

sms aws sqs python receiver

Python Flask AWS Lambda function to receive bulk messages and store in AWS SQS.

flask elk and localstack

flask elk and localstack

By @pogzyb

Sample Flask application with JSON logging, Elasticsearch, and the AWS services Kinesis, Lambda, SQS, SES, and DynamoDB (via localstack)



Universal entry point for Docker images with Flask apps for the AWS Lambda + AWS Gateway serverless hosting

lambda lovelace

lambda lovelace

🎓 MSc project, recommender system for tweets

flask url shortener ui

flask url shortener ui

URL Shortener UI in Python Flask



collect user activity log for web using AWS EB, SQS, Python Flask

Trade Analysis SaaS

Trade Analysis SaaS

☁️ Multi-Cloud Scalable Software as a Service (SaaS) for Analysing Trading Strategies | Cloud-Computing, AWS, GCP, Socket Programming, Parallel Programming,...

zoe bot

zoe bot

By @bryxli

Discord bot that traverses through the Riot Games API to find information about players of the game League of Legends.

tr 05 serverless alienvault otx

tr 05 serverless alienvault otx

Threat Response Serverless Relay for AlienVault OTX

tr 05 serverless have i been pwned

tr 05 serverless have i been pwned

Threat Response Serverless Relay for Have I Been Pwned



🤖 Slack Bot layout for Flask and Asyncio to develop Slack event handlers and deploy on AWS Lambda + API...



By @Steve

Serverless Python

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