earth imagery api

earth imagery api


The code repository for earth-imagery-api on

Pixel Art Filter Web

Pixel Art Filter Web

A web version pixel art filter can render image, gif and video.



Developed a stock trading web app using Python, Flask, SQLite3, Jinja, Bootsrap4, and HTML. This app enables users register and...

article parser

article parser

Simple HTTP API endpoint that takes URL to any article and returns JSON object containing information about the article.

flask wtf crud

flask wtf crud

用于讲解 flask 相关的一些用法!!!有事儿没事儿请看 SF 上的 flask讨论组—— 或本人的blog——

warp plus

warp plus

Add Cloudflare warp-plus-data to your account.



A dynamic DNS HTTP based update server using Python and the Flask web framework.

flask gcs upload example app

flask gcs upload example app

The example app for the "File Upload to Google Cloud Storage with Flask" post series:

kqueen ui

kqueen ui

Separated UI for

devfest embedded devices monorepo

devfest embedded devices monorepo

The monorepo to manage embedded devices we put in each room during the DevFest Toulouse, the devices are here to...



Flask plugin to integrate Google captcha (version 2, 3) and local captcha (image, voice) with Flask applications

http git server

http git server

By @qhzhyt

a http git server implement by flask



FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals. This app allows users to store information/media...

Azure FastAPI Auth Example

Azure FastAPI Auth Example

FastAPI Azure SSO demo. A Python port from the primary Microsoft Flask example to a FastAPI app that uses similar...

secure flask container template

secure flask container template

A template repo showing how to serve an API over HTTPS conveniently with Let's Encrypt certificates, using Certbot, Nginx, and...

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