query collect

query collect

A little flask based webservice helping to collect free text queries based on pre defined filters. The architecture of the...

Movie Recommendation System

Movie Recommendation System

A movie recommendation API that uses a item-based collaborative filtering algorithm. It takes a movie input from the user and...

xdk json parser

xdk json parser

Filter for XDK JSON response



this project is a CBIR (content based image search) that uses Gabor filters as the main mesure to find simular...



A Webapp that assists users in designing custom filters by visualizing the filter response and the zero-poles placement in the...



Apply a filter to your face from anywhere!

RemakeIT API

RemakeIT API

RemakeIT is a toolbox for online images, you can easily change the extension of your image, compress it so that...

rapla filter

rapla filter

REST API for filtering RAPLA schedules

jinja2 filters

jinja2 filters

Sample project to demonstrate creating custom filters in jinja2 template engine

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering

CF engine Developed From Scratch



A Python web application built with Flask for browsing, filtering, and favoriting items in a beer catalogue. Created for the...

psychopaint filtered

psychopaint filtered

PsychoPaint but it's filtered

Flask Filter and Sort

Flask Filter and Sort

Flask sortable and filterable Log Viewer



This is a machine learning project that helps users get book recommendation. The project uses two types of recommendation systems:...

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