

Uses flask as backend and Elasticsearch as DB

flask dockerSwarm kibana elasticSearch apmServer

flask dockerSwarm kibana elasticSearch apmServer

Escalando aplicação flask com docker swarm e fazendo monitoramento com kibana, elastic search e apm server.

assingment elasticsearch

assingment elasticsearch

Host an Elasticsearch instance and store around 1 million Tweets on it. Use Twitter's APIs to gather data (use any...

wordcloud elasticsearch

wordcloud elasticsearch

Quick and simple wordcloud and autocomplete with Elasticsearch and Python

flask restful apm

flask restful apm

Sending logs from flask app to elasticsearch with APM

Search Engine Stackoverflow QnA

Search Engine Stackoverflow QnA

An application to store a collection of questions and answers data found on Stackoverflow in an index using Elastic and...

accessible forums

accessible forums

Web application for a forum website with accessibility



Microblog web application with Python and the Flask framework



By @yun

Book search and management system for closed environment

fluentd logging

fluentd logging

Centralised logging with fluentd

what is your band favorite word api

what is your band favorite word api

A python application to reveal your band's most used word.

sinhala search engine

sinhala search engine

Text based search engine to search about politicians in Sri Lanka

sketchy data pipelines

sketchy data pipelines

Data Pipelines and Sketchy Data Structures for Sub-Linear Retrievals



Sinhala actors/actresses search engine made using elastic search and python.

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